Board Members May DomiguezPRESIDENT Designated/Managing Broker, MDP Realty LLC Vince TovesVICE PRESIDENT Product Manager, and UW Technology Management Galileo TanSECRETARY Project Manager, Harborstone Credit Union Mailene Anonuevo-SmithTREASURER Arlene PerezAUDITOR CEO, Bookkeeping Solutions Jet CastroBOARD MEMBER President Emeritus CEO, Solutions Resource Jhema LucasBOARD MEMBER Financial Professional, Strategem Financial Associates Alex RolludaBOARD MEMBER Owner, CEO, Rolluda Architects Pita Siatan Cebujano BOARD MEMBER Finance Manager, Solutions Resource Mary Villasin-Tu'ifuaBOARD MEMBER Sally EsmenaBOARD MEMBER Dorcas OlegarioBOARD MEMBER Francis FrancoBOARD MEMBER Nicole LipaFCCPNW YOUTH AMBASSADOR Presidential Advisers Alex BorromeoPRESIDENTIAL ADVISERS Partner, US Asian Pacific, Inc. Bert GollaPRESIDENTIAL ADVISERS Principal, Golla CPA Services Subscribe to our Newsletter * indicates required Email Address *